Toyota Land Cruiser

FJ60, FJ62 and FJ80 1980-1997 of release

Repair and car operation

Toyota Land Cruiser
+ 1. The maintenance instruction
+ 2. Maintenance service
+ 3. Engines
+ 4. Systems of cooling, heating
- 5. Fuel and exhaust systems
   + 5.1. Carburettor engines
   - 5.2. Engines with fuel injection
      5.2.1. Technical characteristics
      5.2.2. Декомпрессия fuel system
      + 5.2.3. The fuel pump and pressure of fuel
      5.2.4. Gasoline pipe lines and joints
      5.2.5. The fuel pump
      5.2.6. The gauge of level of fuel
      5.2.7. The air filter
      5.2.8. A cable of a drive throttle заслонки
      - 5.2.9. System of electronic injection of fuel (EFI-system) Check of system of electronic injection of fuel
         - Units of system of electronic injection of fuel
   The case throttle заслонки
   The gauge of an angle of rotation throttle заслонки
   A regulator of pressure of fuel
   The valve of a regulator of turns of idling
   The fuel and atomizer distributor
   The levelling chamber
+ 6. System of decrease in toxicity
+ 7. Transmission
+ 8. Brake system
+ 9. Suspension brackets and a steering
+ 10. A body
+ 11. An electric equipment
+ 12. Electroschemes

Муравьи в квартире как избавится и откуда берутся муравьи | Купить аккаунт с игрой дайн лайт 2 122d58df Units of system of electronic injection of fuel The case throttle заслонки

The check table разряжения on the case throttle заслонки (1988-92)

Channel designation
Not idling
Is not present разряжения
Depression is
Is not present разряжения
Depression is

The check table разряжения on the case throttle заслонки (since 1993)

Channel designation
At 3500 rpm
Is not present разряжения
Depression is
Is not present разряжения
Depression is
Is not present разряжения
Depression is


1. Be convinced of smoothness of a course of draught throttle заслонки.
2. Start the engine, disconnect a vacuum hose and with the help вакууметра check up depression on each of case channels according to tables for check разряжения.


The prevention

Works are carried out on the cold engine.

1. Disconnect the battery from weight.
2. Loosen the collars also remove an air line.
3. Disconnect from the drive lever заслонки a drive cable.
4. Remove an arm of a cable and take aside (to get a cable from an arm it is not necessary).
5. On cars with automatic transmission, disconnect a cable заслонки transmissions from draught (subsection 7.2.8 see), disconnect arms of a cable from the engine and take aside.
6. Designate and disconnect from the chamber throttle заслонки all vacuum hoses and hoses of system of cooling.
7. Disconnect a socket of the gauge of an angle of rotation throttle заслонки.
8. Turn away four bolts of fastening of the chamber throttle заслонки.
9. Remove the case throttle заслонки and a lining.
10. A soft brush and a carburettor cleaner carefully clear all cast surfaces of the case, then blow all channels the compressed air.
The prevention

It is forbidden to wash out the gauge of an angle of rotation throttle заслонки any means. Carefully wipe the gauge a pure soft fabric.

11. Installation is carried out upside-down.

12. Tighten bolts and nuts of the case with the set moment.